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Mar 25 2014
Gay Gratitude Comments (0)

Tumblr_n2xdpbnqxA1qfwa93o1_400Via fukkkres.

Veep Joe Biden made a "forceful" case for gay rights, saying much has been achieved but that there is still "much to be done." I'll go along with all of that.

Boy-GeorgeNOH8 for Madonna

In a semi-related matter, Boy George (who does not hate Madonna after all) makes a very smart point when asked, in this piece, about a straight artist like Macklemore doing a gay-rights anthem. He says he is glad, but not grateful.I think that is the best way to win over the gays who think anyone non-gay who expends some of their social and/or political capital on furthering our cause is some kind of used-car salesman who should be doubted and even rebuffed.
