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May 20 2014
J'Adore: Adore Delano's Single & Video Are F'ing HOT Comments (0)


I like a good, stupid, drag-queen joke single/video as much as the next guy—there have been plenty, and most have been featured on this blog.

However, Adore Delano, the clear winner of Most Improved on this season's RDR (Could anyone have predicted she'd go Top 3? Even she didn't think she'd go Top 3!) has not provided a joke single, nor has she provided a joke video.

Shirtless-hot-adore-delano-boySo she chooses white meat. Maybe she's on a diet? He is Max Emerson, BTW.

Yes, “DTF” (down is hilarious, but it's also superhot and radio-ready. She has created a song and stars in a video that have humor but that are not simple parody. This is hot stuff! I want this girl to get some major action out of this one-two punch, at least as much action as her skanky character in the video gets after picking up that hot piece in the laundromat...
