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May 22 2014
Need To Know: Bending Over Pages + Rey Of Light + Gay Sex Not Like Buttah + Hello Kitty + Cher's A Place For Us + MORE! Comments (0)

Madonna-V-Katy-PerryYou Bettie, you Bettie, you Bet

*widget boy cultureMadonna's V covers with Katy Perry are Bettie Page Fabulous.

*widget boy cultureKenneth in the (212)'s first NYC book-signing event!

*widget boy cultureLana Del Rey singing for her supper at Kardashian nuptials?

*widget boy cultureLarry Kramer says Truvada's for cowards, Streisand finds gay sex distasteful.

*widget boy cultureHe says he's a “Truvada whore.” Does that combat slut-shaming?

*widget boy cultureMass shooters are Democrats, cops are Nazis: Vote fer me!

*widget boy cultureTrannyshack in SF changing name in the name of transgender sensitivity.

*widget boy cultureThese Grindr dudes are not str8-acting, they're str8!

*widget boy cultureHER PUSSY HATE HER.

*widget boy cultureSexy “Sea Fable”—they make me wet.

*widget boy cultureBlack, gay rapper insulted, arrested in Portugal.
