Hilary Duff's comeback single “Chasing the Sun” is a pleasant summer song. It sounds a lot like Sheryl Crow, but big fans of Hilary's kid-pop might recognize, as I did, that the background melody is very reminiscent of her single “I Can't Wait”'s infectious bum-bum-bum refrain (1:00):
When Hilary was a kid and I first started working with her, I remember telling her and her mom she was a dead ringer for Kylie Minogue. I think she only looks more and more like her over time.
Video to come...
Speaking of Hilary in a bikini, here I am with her in Hawaii, celebrating her 16th birthday. She was filming a TV special and her mother gave the magazine I edited an exclusive over People! That was pretty generous:
I was twice the size I am now, but otherwise, not the worst! Pic by Keith Munyan.
Meanwhile, Boy Culture reader Eduardo thinks the leading man in Hilary's new video is the guy who appears in the ad on the right of my blog. If that's him, at least we know Hilary's day at the beach with him was a case of a hard man being good to find: