Laverne Cox is a cover girl for The Advocate (August/September 2014), and has a fabulous cover line emblazoned across her chest: THE MAKING OF AN ICON.
In the interview, she says:
“If I’m going to have a public platform, I want to use it not just to elevate myself but to elevate issues that are important to me. I know a lot of people would rather not have me be the face of this thing...but what’s exciting about what’s happening now, culturally, is that there are so many more trans folks coming forward and saying, 'This is who I am, this is my story, I will not be silent anymore, I will not be in hiding anymore,’ and that’s when a movement really happens, right?”
Click here to hear her speak about landing the cover of Time (before The Advocate!). After the jump, one of my (brief) meetings with Cox...