Zach is enjoying his new role as a cockteaser's cockteaser.
Via With Big Brother: Zankie get brutally honest in a clip from the Big Brother live feed that may or may not make the show. We've watched Frankie and Zach get superclose to consummating their bromance, but it sounds like Frankie's got his work cut out for him:
Zach: “Frankie's the horniest guy in the world right now.”
Frankie: “I mean, look at what (sic) I am, just surrounded by gorgeous men—”
Zach: “You are!”
Frankie: “—stuck in a house where I'm not allowed to do anything about it.”
Zach: “I, I honestly would freak out if I was surrounded by hot-ass girls.”
Frankie: “Just hot, hot, horny girls. Like, hot, hot horny girls that you're not allowed to touch.”
Zach: “Like, we all, like, wanna fuck. Yeah, right? Like, we all, like, tryna bang.”
Frankie: “Right.”
Zach: “But there's just, like, no girls to bang. And you're just like, 'Well, just bang me.'”
Frankie: “I'm like—” [Makes oral sex gesture?]
Zach: “That's funny. It's so funny. You try to turn me gay every single day.”
Frankie: “I know.”
Zach: “And I feel like you get closer and closer every time.”
Frankie: “Yeah, I know.”
Zach: “But [mouthing silently] it ain’t gonna happen. [Back to talking] But you can still try. I like it when you try.”
Frankie: “I know it.”
Are you finding Zankie's relationship cute and sexy, or does an exchange like this make you feel like Frankie should move on? Can't blame a brother for trying!