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Aug 01 2014
Need To Know: New Janet + Cuddly Madonna + Know Your Local Billionaire + Going For TRUE BLOOD + MORE! Comments (0)


*widget boy cultureNew Janet Jackson album—her first in six years—soon?

*widget boy cultureOH HELL YES!: David Mixner's Oh Hell No! to premiere.

*widget boy cultureMadonna is a bitch!

*widget boy cultureRichest people, state by state. No billionaires in AK, DE, ME or ND.

*widget boy cultureShould kids really even need to be told not to set themselves on fire???

*widget boy cultureEbola makes its way to Africa's largest city. Almost made it to the U.S.

*widget boy cultureTrue Blood insults Sarah Palin.


*widget boy cultureMartha Stewart weighs in on Terry Richardson: “Cute.”

*widget boy cultureChris Pratt is funny, uninhibited about flashing peen & big-hearted.

*widget boy cultureAfter the jump, see Colbert out of character for 10 minutes, advising teen girls...
