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Sep 17 2014
Material Witness Comments (0)


Boy George comments on some of the hottest hits of 1984. Surprisingly, he seems most taken with Bruce Springsteen. But unsurprisingly, they make him talk about Madonna, too, which comes up when he's asked to comment on “Borderline” (released February 15, 1984):

“I went to one of those really early tours, where she was dressed in all Stephen Sprouse [sic]...Who knew what she was gonna become? Do you know what I mean? I mean, I don't think you could have ever imagined—do you know what I mean?—how formidable she was gonna be. It was just, 'Oh, she won't last.' You know? You just didn't get it. It was just phenomenal.”

He also says records now are not allowed to linger; everything is an instant hit or is gone.

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