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Jan 09 2015
Need To Know: Turing Company + CHARLIE HEBDO Developments + For Ryan Out Loud + Bridge & Tunnel + MORE! Comments (0)


*widget boy cultureGay luminaries come out on behalf of Alan Turing & The Imitation Game.

*widget boy cultureThe New Yorker's touching Charlie Hebdo tribute cover.

*widget boy cultureCharlie Hebdo suspects had al Qaeda link.

*widget boy cultureNeo-Nazis in France not letting Charlie Hebdo terrorism go unused.

*widget boy cultureVia VJ Brendan: Ryan Ferguson is both hot and has a story that goes beyond his abs.

Ryan-FergusonHe lost 10 years in jail and still find motivation in life???

*widget boy cultureMiles Teller & other offbeat guys suit up for Prada.

*widget boy cultureI choose Ellen Page over Queen Elizabeth on this issue.

*widget boy cultureChris Christie is a very Kinky boy.

*widget boy cultureMichael Urie directs What's Your Emergency, debuting Jan. 27 on Stage 17.

Stage-17Emerging talent: Watch more here.
