Via MRJMANGOS: Above, Diego Miguel by Robert Erdmann for Kevin Murphy.
Meet Olivia Newton-John in person!
Guess what the big shots at all the major LGBT non-profits make? PROFIT.
Gary Beadle from MTV's Ex on the Beach loses his clothes.
Lizabeth Scott: As my pal Chexy said, once Confidential kicks your ass, you stay down in that town.
Arkansas is the asshole of the country.
IMITATION IS THE SINCEREST...: Graham Moore is actually not gay...???
Joan Rivers simply didn't make the cut. Next victim!
Elaine Stritch was more theater and TV but still, she, too, was ignored.
Taylor Negron was a more egregious omission, more film credits.
(Almost) nobody cares that Lizabeth Scott was left out, but she was MAY-JUH.
Patricia Arquette attacked from the right AND left on equal-pay remarks.
Snowden liked Neil Patrick Harris's treason joke.
Inarritu liked Sean Penn's green-card joke.
Phoebe is Price-less.
I missed this Melanie Griffith & Dakota Johnson stealth fight.
Remember when Melanie was Holly Body and Don Johnson was Sal Mineo's bottom?