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May 26 2015
Need To Know: So Joe + Drake's Passive Aggression + Pit Upon + Fonda Fashion + Please Do Say You're Sorry + MORE! Comments (0)


*widget boy cultureTravis Smith does Joe Dallesandro justice, no?

*widget boy cultureDrake continues to dishonor Madonna.

*widget boy cultureFrench flight escorted to JFK following bomb threat.

*widget boy cultureThe male version of that Desperately Seeking Susan scene.

*widget boy cultureIf you like facial hair and bulging biceps ... click here.

*widget boy cultureIncredible Jane Fonda interview. She looks like Farrah Fawcett!

*widget boy cultureWhen was the last time Katy Perry spoke to Russell Brand?

*widget boy cultureIncest-friendly Mike Huckabee draws the line at the Supreme Court.

*widget boy cultureIncest-friendly GOP angry at whistle-blowing cop in Duggar case.

*widget boy cultureFeminist zinger from Jessica Lange.

*widget boy cultureGuess I'll never get prostate cancer.

*widget boy cultureTouching tribute to the late Rona Newton-John.

*widget boy cultureOmar Sharif has Alzheimer's disease.

*widget boy cultureChris Pratt is (hilariously) pre-sorry.
