Hot teacher Pietro Boselli feels he's treated like a piece of meat.
Dirk Shafer's death caused by meth and cocaine.
Hillary warmly welcomes Bernie Sanders into the race.
Geena Davis & Rosie O'Donnell have a League of Their Own reunion!
O'Donnell's estranged wife accuses her of wine & pot abuse.
Story that Freddie Gray hurt himself isn't holding water.
Obnoxious Fox reporter whines that Al Sharpton shoved him.
Rand Paul doesn't reject conspiracy theories on US invasion of ... Texas.
Steve Grand appears on ET.
Ted Cruz has never seen a Hispanic panhandler.
Do all zookeepers eat ass?
Unbelievable Airbnb disaster!
Justen Phelps spreads his fuzzy legs.
Yet, Airbnb is pro-gay, smacks down Texan homophobe.
Yes, Virginia, there are gay homophobes.
Jean Nidetch, Weight Watchers goddess, dies @ 91.
She pioneered the concept that overeating is an emotional issue.