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Jul 21 2015
Need To Know: Fathead + Popeye The Sailor M4M + Cheat Wave + Burn This + Trump's Slump + Chained Male + Can We Be On Our Phones During GRINDR THE MUSICAL? + MORE! Comments (0)

11251058_1396274944034221_5951565669254517324_nHis statements are a stretch.

*widget boy cultureHe's superhot, but also the WORST motivational speaker ever on weight. Images

*widget boy cultureWas Popeye the first gay superhero?

*widget boy cultureCheater-tastic Ashley Madison got hacked ... uh-oh.

*widget boy cultureOMG: Sunburn as art! 5333443_1437233137.6584_funddescription

*widget boy cultureGay youngster killed by lover. GoFundMe set upImages

*widget boy cultureBreitbart's Ben Shapiro almost got beat up by a girrrrrl.

*widget boy cultureThe store owner who told a screaming kid to STOP IT.

*widget boy cultureTrump rises above the R pack.

*widget boy cultureMcCain rises above Trump.

*widget boy cultureLGBT Pride event bans drag queens.

*widget boy cultureWe just lived through the hottest June ever recorded.

*widget boy cultureRichard Brancatisano is a hot piece of ass.

*widget boy cultureHenry Pedro Wright in Urban White.

*widget boy cultureNick Jonas gets chained up, swoon: 

*widget boy cultureChameleon pops bubbles. (No, really, it's worth it.)

*widget boy cultureLet's make this the first LGBT national park!

*widget boy cultureSUP?: Are you ready for Grindr the Musical?

*widget boy cultureLast call to buy Encyclopedia Madonnica 20 Limited Edition.

*widget boy cultureFull Justin Bieber Steven Klein shoot.

*widget boy cultureBlack cop aids white supremacist in health crisis.

*widget boy cultureBernie Sanders learns he is not an honorary black man.

*widget boy cultureO'Malley really doesn't get it, either.

*widget boy cultureHillary Facebooks about the Netroots racial flap.

*widget boy cultureHillary proposes capital gains reform.

*widget boy culture2 top Gawker editors resign because that Geithner story was pulled.

*widget boy cultureSee this trick nekkidImages

Savage1Savage? Love!
