He's superhot, but also the WORST motivational speaker ever on weight.
Was Popeye the first gay superhero?
Cheater-tastic Ashley Madison got hacked ... uh-oh.
OMG: Sunburn as art!
Gay youngster killed by lover. GoFundMe set up.
Breitbart's Ben Shapiro almost got beat up by a girrrrrl.
The store owner who told a screaming kid to STOP IT.
Trump rises above the R pack.
McCain rises above Trump.
LGBT Pride event bans drag queens.
We just lived through the hottest June ever recorded.
Richard Brancatisano is a hot piece of ass.
Henry Pedro Wright in Urban White.
Nick Jonas gets chained up, swoon:
Chameleon pops bubbles. (No, really, it's worth it.)
Let's make this the first LGBT national park!
SUP?: Are you ready for Grindr the Musical?
Last call to buy Encyclopedia Madonnica 20 Limited Edition.
Full Justin Bieber Steven Klein shoot.
Black cop aids white supremacist in health crisis.
Bernie Sanders learns he is not an honorary black man.
O'Malley really doesn't get it, either.
Hillary Facebooks about the Netroots racial flap.
Hillary proposes capital gains reform.
2 top Gawker editors resign because that Geithner story was pulled.
See this trick nekkid.