Hop on!
Cavill and Hammer look GREAT promoting LOUSY movie. 

Stonewall historian chimes in on movie controversy. 
Stonewall releases colorful stills.
My Mika story is traveling!
Judge can't refuse to preside over same-sex nuptials. 
NPH & David Burtka in P-Town.
Indiana mayor paying the price for paying for sex. 
Kim Kardashian Instagram post leads to FDA warning.
Meryl Streep's CRINGE-worthy Gaga cover.
Crossfit star's major faux pas. 
3 eggs, spinach, onions, sweet potatoes, tomato, bulletproof coffee, sunshine and nerdy podcasts. I've been predominately following the Paleo diet since 2009 before I even got into Crossfit. A few minor hacks (grassfed butter, lots of fats). Of course there are some cheat days/nacho benders but for the most part it's easy to follow. It's tasty as hell and I feel it works well for my body. I eat meats, good fats, heaps of veggies, nuts and a bit a of fruit here and there. Nothing in my fridge has a nutrition label on it. If it does it has one ingredient: (I do use a bit of siracha I'll admit) Throw away the sugar. Throw away boxed foods. If it says "low fat" it's probably just chemicals and sugar so throw that out too. Eat foods that grow. Not foods that are produced. Easy. Just do it. #humpday #indolife #thetruefreedommovement #truefreedom #beardgang #beepic #getstrong #eatwell #tattoos #Bali #backinbali #menandcoffee
A photo posted by Dave Driskell (@davedriskell) on Jun 2, 2015 at 4:51pm PDT
Cute boys in towels.
I can't believe Miley Cyrus's little sister looks like THIS now. 
This bitch is having a blast.
Jeb sez ISIL is Hillary's fault. Bush, please. 
Rand Paul questions Donald Trump's sincerity.
Ailes picks Trump over Megyn Kelly!
Did Rosie Perez quit The View in a Kelly O rage?
INSANELY elaborate Madonna mega-mash-up video. 
Rare Madonna Who's That Girl premiere footage. 
See how Right Said Fred look today, after the jump ...