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Sep 19 2015
Bitch, I'm (Not) Madonna: Nadya Ginsburg Crowds Madge's Pole Comments (0)

IMG_2632Nadya in full sneer as the Big M. (Photo by Matthew Rettenmund)

I was lucky enough to catch Nadya Ginsburg's second NYC performance of Madonnalogues at the Laurie Beechman, which—as she pointed out in character as Madonna—is in “the bowels of the West Bank Café.”

With her hysterical YouTube videos and this ever-evolving (some might say she re-invents herself) one-woman show, Ginsburg skewers Madonna and our perceptions of her, both positive and negative, fearlessly. Sometimes it's so funny it hurts, but it's always funny because she's a true student of Madonna, not a lazy hater. The foibles she holds up for mockery apply not only to Madonna, but to our culture, and to us all.

Well, maybe the joke about banging Rocco's friends is a little ... specific.

IMG_2661Gypsys, tramps & tweets (Photo by Matthew Rettenmund)

Along with Madonna, Ginsburg nails Cher (perhaps even more perfectly???) and Winona Ryder, plus tries out a character best described as someone an Amy Sedaris creation would find weird.

IMG_2675Your friendly guide (Photo by Matthew Rettenmund)

The show's highlights would have to be her pitch-perfect recitations of Cher's otherworldly tweets and the finale, an extended peek at Madonna's creative proh-cess while in the recording studio.

IMG_2699Madonna's Hilary-Duff-in-a-bad-mood phase (Photo by Matthew Rettenmund)

Ginsburg ended her well-received show (which was packed with many of the same faces I've been seeing at this week's Rebel Heart Tour shows) with a short speech about how Madonna can't win, and how her fun-poking is not meant to draw blood.

IMG_2731I totally relate to Nadya, who has the ability to be mean ... but worries about it. (Photo by Matthew Rettenmund)

Screen Shot 2015-09-19 at 12.50.27 AMThat, we already knew.

Catch her anytime you can—her sugar is raw.

P.S. The performance was given an unfunnily great rendition of Madonna's “Devil Pray” by recording artist Coby Koehl (pictured at left).

Bitch could sing.

Keep reading for some shots from after the show ...

IMG_2739With my great friend Giulio, who worked MDNA in Italy flawlessly

IMG_2744With Anthony Coombs, my talented book designer

IMG_2741With Nadya. I've always had a thing for women who look Madonna-esque. Including Madonna!

By the way, my CUNTY MADONNA SHADE T-shirt is available right here.
