Efron look-alike Garrett Clayton
Franco's King Cobra goes full-on Nasty Pig, scores Garrett Clayton.
Support The Joe Show if you love Joe.
Maybe Madonna's boning Penn again. Maybe not.
Penn's actress daughter recalls meeting Madonna, dad's goo-goo eyes.
Alleged gay serial killer in the UK used GHB as his murder weapon.
Blond stud Chris Zylka goes full-frontal nude.
Paul Verhoeven finally takes responsibility for Elizabeth Berkley's drubbing.
Paul Ryan would be Speaker ... only if Teabaggers left him alone.
Jim Webb drops out of Democratic presidential primary.
Joe Biden to drop into it???
Fiorina was a passing fancy. Trump, not so much.
Nixon predicted Trudeau's Canadian win 43 years ago. F.U. Nate Silver.
Gwen Stefani's new music video is here.
Bradley Cooper's Star Wars-themed wedding ... to a girl!
Even the meddling Mormons are against Kim Davis.
Mortifyingly rude Caitlyn reaction for Brody Jenner.
They were trans when trans wasn't Vanity Fair game.