Newsflash: Some lesbian moms don't wear makeup.
Rosie O'Donnell's daughter pulls a Mommie Dearest in Daily Mail.
Jealous bitches always win!!!
Another '80s death: Buffalo Boy Barry Kamen, bro of Nick, dies @ 52.
RiRi stands with Rachel Dolezal.
How the ex-gay movement crashed and burned.
Kordell Stewart denies affair with ex-gay viral star.
Air France workers tear shirts from upper management's backs.
Check out my book here, or here, or anywhere that sells books!
History of the gay movement post-Stonewall.
Doctors Without Borders claims attack was intentional.
Big dude with a big butt.
Madonna's Rebel Heart Tour continues to collect raves.
#HISNAMEISCAYDEN: Epic racist thread on social media gets man fired.
Grace Jones says Gaga has no soul, risks Little Monster lynch mob.
Variety likes how Gaga is used in American Horror Story: Hotel.
Campbell's comes for your gay bucks with gay dads.