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Oct 12 2015
Need To Know: Meat The Press + Let's Scare Hillary To Death + Carson Plays Chicken With The Truth + Nothing Going On But Trent + Another Fine Meth + MORE! Comments (0)

Tumblr_nw2t3q1aJe1s1qig3o1_540Plural marriage is what I think of looking at this.

*widget boy cultureVia the truth can be adjusted: Hot jocks. Images

*widget boy cultureGOP whistleblower confirms Benghazi committee is out to sink Hillary.

*widget boy cultureHere's how Hillary could lose.

*widget boy cultureBen Carson says his Holocaust hyperbole isn't.

*widget boy cultureCarson LIED about being robbed at a Popeye's.

*widget boy cultureRepublican Congressmen explode on Meet the Press. Ha, ha!

*widget boy cultureIs ISIL behind Turkey bomb carnage?

*widget boy culturePost-Pink Is the New Blog, here's Trent's new gig!

*widget boy cultureThose pecs, though! Images

*widget boy cultureTaylor Swift & Calvin Harris already on a break?

*widget boy culturePintauro warns against “dark roads of meth.”

*widget boy cultureRaven-Symoné (hyphen, accent) isn't down with “ghetto names.”  Screen Shot 2015-10-11 at 9.08.06 PM

*widget boy cultureNice ass! Even nicer ass! Best ass ever! 

*widget boy cultureInsanely hot bodies.

*widget boy cultureSteve Grand gets seriously biceptual.

*widget boy cultureSo surprising NAU shooter wound up going gun crazy. Images

*widget boy cultureNRA squelching gun-violence research.

*widget boy cultureONLY IN AMERICA!: Another spate of mass shootings. Images

 Demand A Plan to End Gun Violence

Tell the next President to act on gun violence.Only a few candidates have stepped up on gun violence. Americans deserve better.

Posted by Everytown for Gun Safety on Friday, October 9, 2015