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Dec 14 2015
Need To Know: Bad Shot + Cruzing To A Win + Fascists Fail In France + A Thing Of Booty + Bieber Enters Kardashian Fold + Stefoknee-High To A Grasshopper + Get A CLUE + MORE! Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2015-12-13 at 6.36.53 PMGranted, I'd feel more relaxed if the one on the L entered a McDonald's in which I was eating, but ... !

*widget boy cultureSenior asshole's pose is shot down. Images

*widget boy cultureTrump tanks, Cruz surges in Iowa. Yay?

*widget boy cultureTrump says Hillary has “killed hundreds of thousands.”

*widget boy cultureRIGHT OUT OF EXISTENCE: French far-right party vanquished.

*widget boy cultureDroolworthy Rob Kearney

*widget boy cultureOMG ... new Borat!

*widget boy cultureOver 1,300 great asses.

*widget boy cultureThe Grinch who stole Swiftmas.

*widget boy cultureBieber is nailing Kourtney Kardashian. Yay?

*widget boy cultureSix Million Dollar Man's Martin E. Brooks dies @ 90. Images

Martin_e_brooks_rudyWe can't rebuild him, unfortunately.

*widget boy cultureIt's not that she's trans, or living as a child (!), but ... Stefoknee???

*widget boy cultureMy list of famous people over age 80 is updated!

*widget boy cultureA revisiting of why Clue is inexplicably adored.

*widget boy cultureAmerican Horror Story: Freak Show actress dies @ 43.

*widget boy cultureHow to survive a mass-shooting situation. Merry Christmas!

*widget boy culturePanti Bliss is Europe's most influential person. Images

Panti-Transcript.gifPanti rated
