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Jan 13 2016
A Diddle, Wrapped In A Mystery, Inside An Enigma Comments (0)


When the city council in Jacksonville, Florida, opened the floor to public comment on the issue of whether the city's human rights ordinance should be expanded to include LGBT citizens, members probably never saw this one coming.

Local citizen Roy Bay is so against giving protection to LGBT people, he stood up and confessed to being a homosexual pedophile, which he seems to view as proof that other LGBT people engage in the same behavior and should not be afforded any rights:

I lived most of my life sexually assaulting kids and never went to jail. Because why? Kids believed me that, 'Hey, this is, you’re all right, son. This is not a problem. Okay? This happens in homosexual lifestyle.

For his trouble, Bay is now being investigated, since the statute of limitations wouldn't be up on any of his alleged crimes.

I guess this is the anti-gay version of a suicide bomber.
