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Jan 13 2016
Need To Know: Drag Yourself To This Show + State Of The Union Zingers + Hillary v Bernie + YouTube Sex Fiend? + Fascist Is Suing Mad + Tom Brady's Skivvies + MORE! Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2016-01-12 at 11.03.22 PMCostume drama

*widget boy cultureThis is what happens with a former drag queen directs a children's show. Images

*widget boy cultureSOTU: Obama knocks climate-change deniers, Trump's economy fiction, Islamophobes.

*widget boy cultureEven the GOP response to the SOTU smacks Trump!

*widget boy cultureKim Davis wore this to the SOTU speech.

*widget boy cultureRep who invited Davis had no idea he'd invited her.

CYkXPLJWkAA-WFk.jpg-largeFrom here

*widget boy cultureDavid Mixner thinks Hillary has a Bill problem.

*widget boy cultureHillary Clinton getting tougher on Bernie post-Bill commentary.

*widget boy cultureSanders seeing growth in polls.

*widget boy cultureBush attacks Rubio using Nancy Sinatra.

*widget boy cultureIncredible Charlie Sheen HIV fail: Undetectable not good enough for him!

*widget boy cultureBaby Scumbag tried to have sex with a 12-year-old, procure her for his handlers.

*widget boy cultureGay kiss goes viral, lands men in hot water in Morocco.

Screen-Shot-2016-01-12-at-12.47.52-PMLe Pen is not mightier than the selfie sword.

*widget boy cultureMadonna's ex sued for kind of great use of social media. Images

*widget boy cultureI am painfully jealous of Marilu Henner now. Images

*widget boy cultureTerry Richardson will soon have access to twins.

*widget boy cultureDebbie Harry looks scary-good!

*widget boy cultureTom Brady's used underwear is for sale.

*widget boy cultureCheck out this exhibition of art by Rene Capon, The Chronicles of Zebra Boy. Images

Zebra Boy _5Artist of a different stripe
