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Feb 29 2016
6-PACK — Trump's Gone Too Far, 'K? + Dem Battle Plan + Three-Legged Race + Justice Thomas Drops Mute Act + Gay History + Gay Runner Outed & Accepted! Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureJoe Scarborough, once in the tank of Trump, calls KKK kerfluffe “disqualifying.”

*widget boy cultureHow the Dems plan to win moderate GOP votes in November.

Screen Shot 2016-02-29 at 1.29.55 PMChris Jones (Video still via ABC News)

*widget boy cultureFootballer's run comes to early end when third leg makes appearance.

*widget boy cultureWithout racist Scalia around, Justice Thomas asks first questions in 10 years.

Screen Shot 2016-02-29 at 1.17.19 PMCosmos Screen by Perry Kelly (Book cover via AuthorHouse)

*widget boy cultureMan writes of growing up gay in the Depression, serving in WWII. Images

*widget boy cultureCollege runner outed, but finds “nothing but acceptance.”

CavGardens.0.0Gay runner Cavender Salvadori (Image by Cavender Salvadori via Outsports)
