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Feb 04 2016
12-PACK — Davey Wavey Outclasses His Attackers + Grindr vs. Tinder Hookups + Nick's Dick + Pharma Bro Continues Self-Harm + Madonna Takes A Bow + Hillary & Bernie Kicking A$$ + Trump Suing Mad + MORE! Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2016-02-04 at 11.24.17 AMImages courtesy of Davey Wavey

*widget boy cultureNot a super Davey Wavey fan, but he's 100% right here, and no hypocrite.

*widget boy cultureLAUGHING HARD: See the difference between Grindr & Tinder dates.

*widget boy cultureBig, hairy selfie.

*widget boy cultureCould she be the one with current access to Nick Jonas's penis?

*widget boy cultureUberdouche Martin Shrkeli smarmily clams up, disses Congress.

*widget boy cultureMadonna sings “Take a Bow” in Taipei:


台灣獨家 Taiwan Only 󾓩🇼󾓩🇼󾓩🇼Take a bow

Posted by Alec Liu on Thursday, February 4, 2016

*widget boy cultureHillary & Bernie shine in NH town hall, debate the term “progressive.”

*widget boy cultureBob Woodward and Geraldo Rivera (!) think Hillary is too loud.

*widget boy cultureHillary & Bernie outraising Republicans. By a lot.

*widget boy cultureTrump accuses Cruz of cheating, is losing ground nationally.

*widget boy cultureSMART READ: Trump and the “aesthetics of fascism.”

*widget boy cultureSantorum drops out, endorses Rubio, has no idea what Rubio's done.
