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Feb 01 2016
6-PACK: Daddy Dearest + Maher's HIV Blunder + Can Hillary Wrap It Up With Iowa? + Trump vs. Gay Marriage + Slick GREASE + Schock Value! Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureAbove: Ted Cruz's daughter expresses what we're all thinking.

*widget boy cultureBill Maher jumps shark, gives platform to HIV quack Samir Chachoua.

*widget boy cultureHillary poised to win Iowa? NY Times endorses. Hating her rewards right-wing smears.


Four years ago today, I stepped down from Congress to focus on my recovery. I will never forget the trust that my fellow...

Posted by Gabby Giffords on Monday, January 25, 2016

*widget boy cultureTrump wants to appoint SCOTUS justices who would reverse marriage equality.

*widget boy cultureGrease: Live attracts crazy attention, gets mostly positive reviews.

*widget boy cultureFormer Rep. Schock (R-Illinois) gets $1M offer to do gay porn.

Screen-Shot-2014-04-21-at-5.19.17-PMVia Instagram @aaronshock
