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Feb 04 2016
Party Like It's 1999: Vintage Footage Of Fire Island Comments (0)

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My pal Alan Light has struck (gold) again, this time uploading some footage from 1998 and 1999 shot on Fire Island. Again, this shouldn't be such a flashback, but it feels like that anyway—almost 20 years.

First impressions (other than seeing some people I know!) is: Isn't it interesting how much less prepared people are when faced with a recording device? Today, people are on at all times. Also: HGH and other steroids and enhancements were not all the rage just yet—the bodies are much less inflated.

In this video, there's plenty of local color, including shirtless guys, dancing queens and shots of the Pavilion (that burned in 2011):

Keep reading for the other two ...

Next up is this one, taken at the home of Andy Tobias and his late partner Charles Nolan, during their annual July 4th party: 

Finally, check out 1998 footage of the drag invasion, the original Pavilion, and that year's 4th of July party given by Andy and Charles. Note: The first guy in the video is Rich Richenberg, who was kicked out of the Air Force for being gay, and who sued all the way to the Supreme Court, where he lost. He later took his own life:
