Read the full transcript of the Sanders-Clinton #DemTownHall https://t.co/t8M20G25mN pic.twitter.com/T7jjMt3Vn9
— NBC News (@NBCNews) February 19, 2016
Catty #DemTownHall: Hillary will release speech transcripts ... if everyone else does.
Bernie accuses Hillary of using Obama to curry favor with black voters.
Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-South Carolina) will endorse Hillary.
Jeb Bush admits he'd probably nominate a SCOTUS justice if he were O.
Trump claims he will overturn gay-marriage SCOTUS decision. (How???)
Pope says Trump isn't Christian, Trump seems to hope Vatican gets hit by ISIS.
An early look at tomorrow's front page:
— New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) February 19, 2016
ANTICHRIST! Pope calls out hateful Trump - https://t.co/UYXa4GXKx0 pic.twitter.com/jcD2blddZ8