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Mar 27 2016
Bernie Catches Flak For Waving Wife Away: DON'T STAND THERE Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2016-03-27 at 3.45.35 PMSanders did not want his wife literally beside him. (Video still via CNN)

If only Hillary, open primaries and racially diverse populations could be dealt with in this way, Bernie would be home free!

P.S. I wouldn't withhold my vote from the guy over bad optics like this, but it's definitely not as inspiring as the Birdie Sanders moment.

P.P.S. You better believe I will support Sanders wholeheartedly if he somehow magically clinches the nomination, and/or if Hillary discovers a spot on her lung or gets indicted for succeeding while being a woman. (Seriously, though, my reasons for liking her better are not substantial enough that I'd withhold my vote or enthusiasm for the guy. They vote the same something like 93% of the time. It's more about how I imagine their presidencies playing out.)
