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Mar 28 2016
6-PACK — Miss World's Brother Hates Gay People + Mexicans Hate Donald Trump + Gay Nerd Embarrasses Anti-Gay Rep + Studly Huw Collins Shirtless + LEGENDS OF THE FALL Scribe Dies + Iggy Azalea Swept For Drugs! Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureReigning Miss World's brother a “sociopathic homophobe?” Crazy FB message.

*widget boy cultureDonald Trump burned in effigy by Mexicans.

*widget boy cultureGAY NERD COUP: Right-wing, anti-gay Idaho rep's site lapses, goes Dem!


In case you're wondering, the ladder and I lived happily ever after... 😐 📸: @georgegarnier

A photo posted by Huw James Collins (@huwcollins) on

*widget boy culturePretty Little Liars stud works out in public, shirtless.

*widget boy cultureLegends of the Fall author dies @ 78.

*widget boy cultureIggy Azalea says Britney's team swept her for drugs.
