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Mar 22 2016
6-PACK — Terror Suspects Pictured In Airport + Gawker Chief Puts Jury's Decision In A Headlock + Sarah Palin To Daytime TV + Boxer's Big, Big Punching Bag + Latest Celeb Obits + Rosie vs. Drumpf! Comments (0)

56f18a591e0000b300705007Brussels suspects (Image via Belgian police)

*widget boy cultureBelgian cops release photo of terror suspects.

*widget boy cultureGawker's Nick Denton tears into jury's gigantic judgment for Hulk Hogan.

*widget boy cultureIf you'd let Sarah Palin be your Judge Judy, you're dumber than Ben Carson.

*widget boy cultureBoxer has a prize-winning bulge.

*widget boy cultureGlamourpuss Rita Gam dies @ 88, Peyton Place actor James Douglas @ 86.

*widget boy cultureRosie O'Donnell taunts Donald Trump on her birthday:


hats arrived - HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 ME!! #drumpf

A photo posted by Rosie ODonnell (@rosie) on
