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Mar 07 2016
6-PACK — Bullwhiplash: New Mapplethorpe Doc + Puerto Rico Picks Rubio + Hot-Jock Gallery + Madonna's Mother's Day + Bette Davis Flashback + The Drinkable Tituss Burgess! Comments (0)

12841286_10153969841819414_9001884145989059715_o(Image by Michael Raveney)

*widget boy cultureBailey & Barbato launch Mapplethorpe: Look at the Pictures film, pop-up show.

*widget boy cultureMarco Rubio takes Puerto Rico's Republican delegates.

*widget boy cultureSexy jock Josh Dugan's bare—and bear—butt.

*widget boy cultureMadonna gets emotional on stage in New Zealand over Rocco.

*widget boy cultureEve Arden & Kaye Ballard impersonate Bette Davis on The Mothers-in-Law.

*widget boy cultureGet ready for Pinot by Tituss, Tituss Burgess's own brand of pinot noir.

Screen Shot 2016-03-06 at 7.21.14 PM(Image via Pinot by Tituss)
