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Mar 28 2016
6-PACK — Basket Case + Pakistan's Paramilitary Crackdown + It's Over For Either Bernie Or Hillary + California Drifting Further Toward Hillary + Bathroom Humor + Andrew Christian Models Lose, Everyone Wins! Comments (0)

Screen-shot-2016-03-27-at-4-58-45-pm(Image via Crime Watch Daily)

*widget boy cultureSex offender played Easter Bunny, got caught.

*widget boy culturePakistan will crack down after Taliban-affiliated group's Easter massacre.

*widget boy cultureIt's over for Bernie. No, it's over for Hillary.

*widget boy cultureCalifornia Dems coalescing behind Hillary.

Screen Shot 2016-03-28 at 11.31.23 AMMost people just poop and pee in the john. (Video still via Paul Richmond Studio)

*widget boy cultureWhat Republicans must imagine goes on in bathrooms.

*widget boy cultureAndrew Christian models/lovers play strip Dating Game.

Screen Shot 2016-03-28 at 11.14.29 AMPablo Hernandez & Drae Axtell aren't newlyweds, but they are living in sin. (Video still via Andrew Christian)
