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Apr 08 2016
6-PACK — Hunks Of The Very Rich + Pope Cool On Gay Unions, Warm On Bernie + OF COURSE Hillary Is QUOTE UNQUOTE Qualified! + Slobber-Inducing Selfie + Obama Unbothered By Trump's Chances + Burger King Hate Crime Faked? Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureRicky Martin & Andy Cohen both have new young boyfriends. Judge Marilyn Milian has said May/December romances are “disgusting,” jury's out on what Wapner would say.

*widget boy cultureSo this luscious guy who's good at the art of the shirtless selfie may be too young for you?

*widget boy cultureThe Pope says the Catholic Church will never accept gay unions. But Bernie Sanders, he's okay with.

*widget boy cultureMorning talk show drags “of course” out of Bernie in response to question of whether Hillary is qualified to be president.

Screen Shot 2016-04-08 at 10.55.01 AMI'll miss you, President Obama! (Image via Warner Bros.)

*widget boy cultureObama: “Mr. Trump's not succeeding me.” I'm going to miss this guy. No one we have is quite at his level.

*widget boy cultureThe Burger King gay-kiss attack may not have been a hate crime; victim, a proud Rentmen escort, may have been aggressor. That sucks. That sucks for gays. 
