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May 27 2016
6-PACK/politics— Bernie's Scorched-Hillary Campaign + Why The #BernieTrumpDebate Flirtation Should Make You Doubt Bernie + Clinton/Warren? + Hillary Could Lose CA + Is Trump Sinking? + Obama's Hiroshima Embrace! Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureBernie's scorched-earth closer is weakening Hillary: “A wave of polling data established that Sanders really is undermining Clinton’s prospects in the general ...”

*widget boy culture“If Sanders debates Trump, he will lose my support. And he should lose yours, too”: Shocked Sanders supporter on the unlikely-to-occur #BernieTrumpDebate.

*widget boy cultureThe case for Clinton/Warren. Excited by the idea of an all-female ticket, but wonder if people of color will be turned off that she'd pass up Castro, Booker, many others.

*widget boy cultureIt's sinking in for everyone that Hillary could lose CA, which won't mean she isn't the Democratic nominee, just that she will have suffered an embarrassing finish.

*widget boy cultureLet's hope Slate's right on Trump—there is such a thing as bad PR. NY Times says (hopes?) Trump has stumbled in trying to go big; staff disintegrating, paranoid.

*widget boy cultureObama, in history-making Hiroshima visit, embraces A-bomb survivor who also wanted U.S. names on monument to the bombing victims; 12 POWs perished.
