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May 28 2016
6-PACK — Unholy Mess + Mark Salling Indicted + HOT-Guy Roundup + COMING TO AMERICA Again + Eggplant Money Shot + Ultimate Video That Highlights Trump's Racist Bloodlust! Comments (0)

Holy-HellWill Allen (Movie still via WRA Productions)

*widget boy cultureReview of Holy Hell, a doc shot by a former gay porn actor who had a bit part in Rosemary's Baby (1968) who spent 20+ years in the Buddhafield cult.

*widget boy cultureMark Salling has been indicted on charges of receiving and possessing child pornography.

*widget boy cultureHEAT INDEX: Furry guys galore. Nude sunbathing on Fire Island: Status report. Lewis Hamilton shirtless on the beach. Ricky Martin's new BF nude. (Work Unfriendly) 

*widget boy cultureMI teens recreate scene from terrible movie Coming to America (1988) for their prom. Pretty damn cute, actually.

*widget boy cultureThai man decides to pleasure himself in the booty with an eggplant while on a public bus. Someone helpfully recorded and posted it.

*widget boy culturePerfect visuals to go along with Trump's bloodthirsty comments about how his protesters, mostly POC, should be treated: 
