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Jun 01 2016
6-PACK — Marilyn Monroe Would Be 90 Today + What Makes Trump Trump + Trump U Students Told To CASH IN ON Housing Collapse + Beckinsale HARBORing Resentment + Rocco Back To NYC + Netflix Pride! Comments (0)

Ezgif-246756429Wonder what People's Marilyn at 90 issue would look like if she were alive? (GIF via fair use)

*widget boy cultureMarilyn Monroe would have been 90 today—let that sink in, how she'd look, what she'd be doing. Other stars who alive and 90+.

*widget boy cultureJournalist who covered Trump for 40 years explains what makes Trump Trump: “I know of no black person who has ever played a significant role in his business.”

*widget boy cultureTrump U coached students on how to “cash in on” housing crisis. How could any Bernie booster switch to Trump in the general? Stupidity/lack of an ethical base.

*widget boy cultureJesus, if Kate Beckinsale isn't too pretty, then how would you describe Michael Bay? Not much of an asshole?

*widget boy cultureMadonna & Guy Ritchie's custody case over Rocco is done! The show is over, say good-bye.

*widget boy cultureVia Towleroad: Netflix Brazil celebrates Gay Pride with a touching vid: 

