Wonder what People's Marilyn at 90 issue would look like if she were alive? (GIF via fair use)
Marilyn Monroe would have been 90 today—let that sink in, how she'd look, what she'd be doing. Other stars who alive and 90+.
Journalist who covered Trump for 40 years explains what makes Trump Trump: “I know of no black person who has ever played a significant role in his business.”
Trump U coached students on how to “cash in on” housing crisis. How could any Bernie booster switch to Trump in the general? Stupidity/lack of an ethical base.
Jesus, if Kate Beckinsale isn't too pretty, then how would you describe Michael Bay? Not much of an asshole?
Madonna & Guy Ritchie's custody case over Rocco is done! The show is over, say good-bye.
Via Towleroad: Netflix Brazil celebrates Gay Pride with a touching vid: