Sarah Kate Ellis (Image via Twitter)
GLAAD's President & CEO Sarah Kate Ellis responds to rampant speculation about Orlando shooter Omar Mateen's sexual orientation:
Forty-nine innocent people were brutally massacred in an LGBT space—this we know for certain. This atrocity was an attack on the LGBT community, it was an attack on our country, and it was an attack on the core American values of equality and freedom for everyone. Whether the gunman’s homophobia spurred from hatred of others or hatred of himself, this is homophobia all the same. And it’s sadly just the latest example of homophobia turning to horrific violence, just as it has for decades.
This hatred for the LGBT community is something that the gunman learned right here at home, not outside our borders. This is the same hatred that led to the murders of over a dozen transgender Americans this year, most of them women of color. This is the same hatred that’s been espoused by American lawmakers who have proposed over 100 anti-LGBT bills this year. And this is the same hatred that we all must come together to end once and for all. Acceptance must prevail.