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Jun 06 2016
6-PACK — How These Boyfriends Knew They Were Gay + Obama Will Endorse Clinton Soon + BuzzFeed Rejects Trump Ads + Drama Desk Awards + RIP Playwright Peter Shaffer + Reality Hunk In The Raw! Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureABOVE: How YouTube bloggers Hunter and Tyler realized they were gay—other than their names.

*widget boy cultureLooks like President Obama will endorse presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton—very soon.

*widget boy cultureBuzzFeed founder compares Donald Trump to cigarettes in declining to accept Trump ads.

*widget boy cultureShuffle Along and The Humans cleaned up at the Drama Desk Awards Sunday night.

*widget boy cultureAward-winning Equus and Amadeus playwright Peter Shaffer is dead @ 90. Lettice & Lovage one-night-only reading will go on as planned.

*widget boy cultureHungarian reality-show hunk goes unselfconsciously nude. Over and over. (Work Unfriendly)

Vlcsnap_2016_06_04_16h38m26s418Ádám Keresi Évát contestant Krisztian (Image via Ádám Keresi Évát)
