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Jun 02 2016
6-PACK/madonna — Madonna & Shep Win VOGUE Lawsuit + Madonna Is One Rich B*tch! + Rocco & Lola In NYC + Prince's Keyboardist Speaks On Tribute + Madonna Supports Gay Man Wrongfully Convicted! Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureMadonna & Pettibone prevail in “Vogue” suit: “A reasonable jury could not conclude that an average audience would recognize an appropriation of ... 'Love Break.'”

*widget boy cultureMadonna is worth about $560 million, making her America's 25th richest self-made woman, and the #1 richest female musician ever.

*widget boy cultureMadonna took Rocco to Sleep No More in NYC. So glad I wasn't there! I would've been following them around, ignoring the (excellent!) show.

*widget boy cultureMadonna's daughter Lola is also in NYC at the moment.

*widget boy culturePrince's keyboardist speaks out: He loves Madonna, says her heart was in her tribute, critiques song choices, claims the Revolution was never asked to join.

*widget boy cultureMadonna shares video in support of Kerry Max Cook, a gay Texas death-row inmate who wrongfully spent 20 years behind bars and is still fighting to clear his name:
