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Jun 21 2016
6-PACK — Musto Read On Nick Jonas & Lady Gaga + Baby Got Beck + BIG HOMOPHOBE + Hillary > Trump + Cosmetic Work, Work, Work, Work, Work + Sotomayor Seeks Justice! Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureAs always, Michael Musto writes provocatively and thoughtfully on whether Nick Jonas & Lady Gaga are gay allies or opportunists.

*widget boy cultureActor Tom Beck bares his backside in a German flick. (Work Unfriendly)

Tom-beck-tom-beck-18861988-640-368Beck for good (Video still via RTL)

*widget boy cultureWhy is there always a resident homophobe on Big Brother? Do they do this with racists???

*widget boy cultureIt's all about the electoral college, but FYI, Hillary is way ahead of Trump in a new national poll.

Screen Shot 2016-06-20 at 10.36.10 PM(Image via

*widget boy cultureGuess the cosmetic procedure one expert thinks just about every famous woman has had? Yes, even her.

*widget boy cultureJustice Sotomayor's latest dissent is a withering essay that nods to #BlackLives Matter. 
