People have trust issues with Hillary Clinton, but Donald Trump is Mr. Establishment and the ultimate con man. See above, his Trump U sales rep.
Trump pulling 0% of the black vote in OH and PA, still doing well there.
Madonna's Bedtime Stories to be reissued on vinyl by Rhino in August, John Waters's Multiple Maniacs also gets a new lease on life.
RNC lineup: Benghazi mom to politicize son's death, Tim Tebow to praise the Lawd, Antonio Sabato Jr. to — do something. And more!
Daniel Currie & Tom Nicholls play explicit grab-ass in the ocean. WOW.
Calvin Harris ratted out Taylor Swift (who ratted out Calvin Harris) for really being anti-Katy Perry. Vindi-Katy's priceless tweet in reply:
— KATY PERRY (@katyperry) July 13, 2016