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Jul 11 2016
6-PACK — Sit-In, Singing Out For Orlando + Gay GOPer Didn't Get The Memo + Steve Grand In P-Town + Swiping Will Young + Bitchtastic Belly Laughs! Comments (0)
*widget boy culture49-hour sit-in at Marco Rubio's office for gun control on behalf of the 49 slain at Pulse gay nightclub.

*widget boy cultureLOVELY: J.Lo & Lin-Manuel Miranda sing for the Pulse victims on Today. (If Madonna did this, it would be “Making it all about you.”)

*widget boy cultureOpenly gay GOP delegate makes impassioned plea for platform to be less opposed to gay marriage, fails. They're just not into you, dear.

*widget boy cultureAt this point, Steve Grand is trolling everyone who is less than an 8:


*widget boy cultureBritish gay popstar Will Young joins Tinder.

*widget boy cultureHILARIOUS: When your gay BFFs are total bitches. (When aren't they?) Now, when they're Elle Fanning from The Neon Demon.
