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Aug 19 2016
6-PACK — '80s Fleshback + Trump's Ukrainian-Crook Campaign Manager Resigns Amidst Rumors The Candidate Is Sane + Lochte's Sowwwwy + Liz Land + Heard Mentality: Give Back + Gawker Thoughts! Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureABOVE: P-Town goes totally tubular with Carnival 2016's '80s theme!

*widget boy cultureTrump's top guy, Crooked Paul Manafort, has resigned. Can't run a campaign, how can Trump run the U.S.? 

*widget boy culture“Traumatized” (32-year-old) Lochte sorta apologizes for Rio robbery lies, launches a million white-privilege tweets.

*widget boy cultureYears after Elizabeth Taylor bought the farm, someone's now sold it.

Tumblr_m5fyoeCP431qg39ewo1_500(GIF via Paramount)

*widget boy cultureAmber Heard's Johnny Depp-divorce money—all $7M—is going to charity.

*widget boy cultureMeanest blogger ever will not miss
