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Aug 20 2016
Self-Described White Supremacist & Trump Fan Stabs Interracial Couple Comments (0)

This is just one result of a campaign based on whipping angry white losers into a frenzy: A white supremacist witnesses an interracial kiss Facebook-linked_image___rowe-3-620x412and out of nowhere decides to stab the couple engaged in it.

Via Salon:

“He tells them, ‘Yeah, I stabbed them. I’m a white supremacist,’” said Lt. Paul Lower, a police department spokesman. “He begins talking about Donald Trump rallies and attacking people at the Black Lives Matter protest.”

Rowe told police he had come to Olympia, from nearby Richland, in response to anti-police graffiti that had been written over the weekend. He told investigators he knew law enforcement officers “couldn’t hurt the black people on the street” and he would “continue the fight against all of the Black Lives Matter people,” according to the probable cause statement.

Congrats, Republicans—you created and anointed the candidate of your dreams. (If that is not a true statement, you can always leave the party. If you don't, then it's a true statement regardless of whether you'll admit it in mixed company.)

(Image via Q13Fox)
