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Aug 08 2016
6-PACK — Hillary Over-Chers + Evan McWhoNow? For President + Trump's RNC Was Hugely Bad + Oiling Up That Tongan + Gay Olympic Kiss + My Favorite Duo Since Cagney & Lacey! Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureWhen Hillary met Cher (again)!

*widget boy cultureThe #NeverTrump movement may, belatedly, have its contender: Conservative Evan McMullin for prez?

*widget boy cultureThis interpreting of data shows just how unbelievably poorly Trump's RNC went—historically so.

*widget boy cultureJenna Bush and Hoda Kotb do what you want to do to that Tongan jock:

*widget boy cultureAmazing Olympic kiss!

*widget boy cultureI thought this was Photoshopped, but sometimes, things too good to be true are just too good:

Butt-Fuchs(Video still via NBC via Reddit/Dlisted)
