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Sep 05 2016
THE LIFE AND LEGEND OF WYATT EARP Star Hugh O'Brian Dies @ 91 Comments (0)

5864135ebedd374ecae0323e3e1f4b9dHugh O'Brian: April 19, 1925-September 5, 2016 (Image via handout)

Hugh O'Brian, an indelibly handsome good guy from TV's early western The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp (1955-1961), has died at 91.

Along with his most famous role, O'Brian was known for his philantrophy, notably via HOBY—the Hugh O'Brian Youth leadership organization.

6a00d8341c2ca253ef017d3e5d0537970c-800wiHugh are so beautiful ...

He died at home of natural causes, and is survived by his wife.

I remember vying for a Hugh O'Brian Award in elementary school, but I think Alex Gildzen's memory of barging in on a nearly-nude O'Brian is a better recollection. I was lucky enough to meet Mr. O'Brian in 2014, but I didn't let him know he did pretty well on my exhaustive list of the hottest men ever to appear on TV!

6a00d8341c2ca253ef01a511a0577a970c-800wi(Image by Matthew Rettenmund)
