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Sep 29 2016
When They Go Low, Gary Johnson Gets High Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2016-09-29 at 2.27.08 PM(Video still via MSNBC)

I think Donald Trump's total incompetence is helping to mask same in third-party crackpots Gary Johnson and Jill Stein.

Johnson already made a damn fool of himself when cluelessly, with Bill & Ted-style frankness, asking what Aleppo is. Now, he's compounded that error by failing to name a single world leader he admires:

Even dumber, he volunteers that he was having another Aleppo moment, helping to remind viewers of his recent crash-and-burn. His running mate William Weld looks like he's contemplating running, all right.

Then there's snarky Jill Stein, the anti-vaxxer who just hates everyone and thinks she's the one that we want. In an effort to troll Johnson, she tweeted which world leaders she admires—and not one of them runs a country!

Screen Shot 2016-09-29 at 2.28.59 PMI guess her campaign staff of tens made sure to block me. (Image via Twitter)

(I would post her tweet, but the very fragile Doctor Stein has blocked me! lol I guess she didn't like this tweet, mocking her with some Trumpian hyperbole:

Screen Shot 2016-09-29 at 2.30.47 PM(Image via Twitter)

Ultra-left liberals are not known for their sense of humor, but sheesh. Sensitive!

Sarah Palin is laughing somewhere, though it's probably coincidental because she doesn't really keep up with the news and stuff.
