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Oct 01 2016
6-PACK — Entertainment For Rich, White Men + Trump's Anti-Gay Promise + NYT Loves Trump + Clinton's National Service Reserve + Orlando Cruz-ing To Victory + Comments (0)

Donald-Trump-Playboy-March-1990-8x6(Image via Playboy)

*widget boy cultureLook who has also appeared on Playboy. I think Alicia Machado's cover was so hot I drifted on the Kinsey Scale.

*widget boy cultureTrump agrees to sign “First Amendment pledge,” which approves of anti-LGBTQ discrimination in employment.

*widget boy cultureExamples of how The New York Times has enabled Donald Trump—time and again—by looking away.

*widget boy cultureMore on Clinton's National Service Reserve, another great, progressive idea from her campaign.

*widget boy cultureGay boxer Orlando Cruz is just two fights away from being a world champ!

6a00d8341c2ca253ef01b7c6edfa17970b-800wiFrom 2014 (Image by Matthew Rettenmund)

*widget boy cultureTotally adorable Who's the Boss reunion. (Gallery.) I created a mini-reunion with two of them myself!

Screen Shot 2016-10-01 at 9.05.14 AM(Image via Entertainment Weekly)
