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Oct 20 2016
Gaga Has Had It Up To Here With Generous Comparisons To Madonna Comments (0)

Jesus, Lady Gaga is just incapable of being humble. Ever.

Her single flopped—and I liked it!—and now, when asked about Madonna, which admittedly is a troll-worthy question, she has this to say: 

You know what, Gaga? You're not a genius. You're not David Bowie, you're not Stevie Wonder, you're not Michael Jackson, you're not Prince ... and you, not-so-nice lady, are not Madonna.

Lady Gaga has real, and measurable, talent, but she is stuck on her own hype that she is some kind of musical wunderkind, that what she does is utterly unique and spellbinding. When she was reading Born This Way, it was heralded as the Second Coming—and wound up being the Second Coming of “Express Yourself.” When she was preparing to foist ARTPOP on us, she raved about how genius it would be, a hubristic move that bit her in the ass. And she has not learned. She simply can not see herself in the proper context, can not accept that to be compared to Madonna is a compliment.

She raved about Madonna before their rift, and now acts like Madonna is some kindly grandmother with whom she shares no common ground?

Madonna plays instruments and is a songwriter. She has had a hand in every aspect of her career, including cooking up many of her own melodies. She is an unsurpassable live performer. She has done too many things first and best to sweat it when the latest throne-coveters approach, like Nosferatu, witchy fingers elongated in the shadows of deception.

But whether you don't care for Madonna, even if you think the rivalry is tired (IT IS), you've got to admit Gaga's defensiveness in the above clip is churlish and beneath her. “Nice lady?” Fuck off. I guess it's not so surprising that so many of her followers take time out to wish AIDS on Gaga's critics—I have the many receipts!—considering she really does emanate assholishness underneath her fake veneer.

Okay, I'm officially back off her. Man, I wish we could just go back to her The Fame Monster era and start over.
