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Oct 06 2016
6-PACK — Continue Dancing, Singing, Getting Up And Doing Your Thing + Rosie vs. Ivanka + Michelle's Mic-Drop Moment + Gary Nader + Hannity vs. Kelly + Loretta Sanchez's Unfortunate Dab! Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureHappy 34th birthday, “Everybody” — Madonna's first single!

*widget boy cultureRosie O'Donnell bumped into Ivanka Trump, they had words, Rosie thanked her for listening.

*widget boy cultureMichelle Obama teases Donald Trump over his “my mic was bad!” bitchin'.

*widget boy cultureIf Hillary loses Florida or New Hampshire, blame Gary Johnson and his idiotic supporters.

*widget boy cultureSean Hannity accuses colleague Megyn Kelly of being in the tank for Hillary—though he's in the tank for Trump.

*widget boy cultureLoretta Sanchez did the dab at the end of a fiery debate with Kamala Harris in their senatorial debate: 
