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Nov 01 2016
No, Mrs. Bublé, Michael's Not Gé Comments (0)

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Michael Bublé chatted with PrideSource, talking up his gay fans—and how his wife assumed he was gay when they met.

He gushed about his LGBTQ fans:

The truth is, I don't think I could've given them as much joy as they've given me. I'm in a business where, as you can imagine, I'm surrounded by the gay community. I mean, that's just my life. I'm an artist, and so I'm surrounded by other artists. And everyone from my hair stylist who lives with me on the road to (my stylist) Jeff Kim, who puts me in my suits every day - I mean, god, the question isn't who's gay? The question is, who isn't? (Laughs) And by the way, the ones that seem the most macho, they're probably gay.

As for his wife's little mistake:

Yes, she walked in this room with a man, and the man was so good lookin' that he made Brad Pitt look dumpy, so I assumed they were together. I naturally assumed that this was her boyfriend or her husband, so I refused to hit on her. And listen, it didn't help that she didn't speak English either at the time. Not a word. But the more I drank that night, the more brazen I got about trying to find out what the situation was between them. Finally, after two hours - and I don't know how many shots and glasses of whiskey - I finally said, (effects a drunk slur) "You guys are such a beautiful couple," and he said, "We're not together." He said, "She came because she likes you." And at the same time, she was on the phone texting her mom saying, "Oh my god, Michael Bublé is all over my friend. He's so gay."

More here.
